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Purchase an upgrade to version 7.

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Download A Better Finder Attributes 7.34

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

Download A Better Finder Attributes 7.27

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Attributes 7.24

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.11 or later.

Forcing a Finder Update

The Mac OS X Finder keeps much of its information about the files that it displays in a fast-access cache thus allowing it to “feel quicker” because it no longer needs to access the hard disk each time it displays a file.

Unfortunately the Finder is not always very good at picking up changes on the file system and consequently can on occasion show “old” or “stale” information. In other words, the files have changed but the Finder still displays the old information.

The type of information that is cached by the Finder includes file names, modification and creation dates, icons, etc.

Over time the Finder has become much more robust in detecting and displaying changes quickly, but it’s still far from perfect.

It can be very confusing when the Finder information and the actual file system are out of sync. This can happen quite a lot when using A Better Finder Attributes because you explicitly change file information that is susceptible to this problem.

This is why by default A Better Finder Attributes sends a “please update your information on this file that I have changed” request to the Finder. We suggest that you keep this feature switched on in normal use.

When processing very large numbers of files, however, this can become quite time-intensive and you may wish to switch this feature off during such operations.

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