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Purchase an upgrade to version 7.

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Download A Better Finder Attributes 7.34

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

Download A Better Finder Attributes 7.27

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Attributes 7.24

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.11 or later.

File is not writable

The program has detected that this file is not writable and its meta-data can thus not be changed.

Check that:

  • you have access permissions for the file
  • the file does not have its “lock” flag set
  • the file is not on a write-only volume

You can do this by following the steps below in the Finder:

  • go to the Finder
  • find the file that shows up as not being writable in the Finder
  • select Get Info from the File menu
  • in the sheet that opens:
    • check that Your User Name (Me) has Read & Write privileges in the Sharing & Permissions section.
    • check that the Locked flag in the General section is not checked

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