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Download A Better Finder Rename 12.06

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 11.53

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.10 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 12.06

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

About Presets

A number of features of A Better Finder Rename are particularly useful in the context of creating droplets.

Tick “Show confirmation dialog before renaming” if you want the droplet to show you a dialog detailing the changes that will be made before they are applied. Untick the check box if you want the changes to be applied without prompting you first. This saves time, but be careful not to apply the wrong changes!

The “Completely Rename” action in the “Advanced & Special” category lets you create a droplet that always renames a file to the same name. This may be useful in some workflows (for instance for renaming catalog files to a standard name when new scans arrive).

If you want to use a droplet as part of a fully automated workflow, you may want to consider creating a “silent” droplet which does not present the user with any interactive dialogs during execution.

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