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Download A Better Finder Rename 12.06

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 11.53

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.10 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 12.06

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

The Main Window

The main dialog of A Better Finder Rename is subdivided into a number of distinct areas:

The Category: and Action: popup menus (on the top left) allow you to specify the renaming actions that will be applied to the existing file names.

As soon as you select a renaming action its parameters will be displayed below it in the dialog (on the screenshot this is the area with Prefix: and Suffix: fields).

Bellow the action parameters, there are three checkboxes, which allow you to rename files and folder separately and to include or exclude files in sub-folders.

  • Files All the selected files will be renamed. This setting does not affect the selected folders!
  • Folders All the selected folders will be renamed. This setting does not affect the selected files.
  • Subfolders and their contents A Better Finder Rename will process not only the selected files or folders, but will also rename the files and folders inside all the selected folders. In other words it will rename everything within the folder hierarchy of the selected folders.

The settings of the three check boxes can be combined. Ticking all three check boxes, for instance, means that all files and folders inside the file hierarchy of all selected folders will be renamed. Unticking the folder check box will mean that only the files inside the folder hierarchy will be processed, etc..

At the bottom of the dialog you will find a number of buttons.

The Perform Rename button applies the currently selected action(s) and parameters to the selected files. Press the return key or click on the button to rename the selected files.

The Create Droplet... button allows you to save the current settings to a droplet application.

To the right of the main dialog, you see the preview table.

This shows the current name of the file in the left column and previews the new file name in the right column. You can customize the columns in the menus.

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