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Download A Better Finder Rename 12.06

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 11.53

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.10 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 12.06

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

Tab-Delimited File List Format

This format, also known as tab-separated text, can be manipulated by many commercial applications including:

  • text editors: TextWrangler (free), TextMate, BBEdit
  • word processors: ..
  • spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel, ..
  • database software: FileMaker, ..

A Better Finder Rename requires two columns

My file The New Name

My Document The New Document

  1. the current name of the file
  2. the desired new name of the file

Both columns are separated by a tab character and each line is terminated by a carriage return and/or new line character.

A Better Finder Rename changes the name of the file specified by the first column to the new name specified in the second column.

You can create the file list by hand or you can let A Better Finder Rename help you with the task by using the “Save File List” feature.

A checkbox allows the case of the path name to be ignored (e.g. /Users/smith/ = /users/smith/) for use with case insensitive file systems.

Please note: This feature will only work correctly if all the “current” file names in the list are unique. If you have several files by the same name in different folders that you wish to rename together, you will need to use the “Posix full Path Tab-Delimited File List Format” instead.

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